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L'alsace / Champ Elysée 2016.

Interior designer, Laura Gonzales, realized painting of a sky and vegetation patterns for a spherical dome of a notorious Parisian restaurant...

L'Alsace / Champ Elysée 2016.

...A Titien’s painting inspired Justine Rossetti to realize the transition between sky and vegetation. In order to create a vaporous atmosphere, she used a blue gradient made of layers of oil glaze. This painting creates a romantic dreamlike feeling such as Caspar David Freidrich painting.

L'Alsace / Champ Elysée 2016.

in Collaboration with "atelier Roma".

Antique mirror / Cannes, France.

At Rosatelier, the research for mirror decorations is constantly evolving. We have developed a special silver-aging technique to meet the demands of Laura Gonzales whose...

Antique mirrors / Paris.

..On request, we offer tailor-made antique and gilded mirrors, using the French technique of "verre églomisé" by assembling gold leaves.

Antique mirror/ workshop.
private interrior /Paris.

Goldleafs filets.

Le Brebant Café / Paris.

Rosatelier also specializes in patinas to change the appearances of a surface.

Le Brebant Café / Paris.

Sets of shade and light through tint movements to give the impression that wood was burnt or smoked.

Sky / Swiss.

A sky decorating the ceiling of 65 square meter was created for the same house. The aim was to evoke a traditional sky ceiling without using the allegorical classics that encumber these spaces, but by furnishing the space without monotony. Justine succeeded in creating and harmony of between the ceiling and the rest of the room.

Sky / Swiss.

A sky decorating a ceiling of 65 square meter was created for the same house. The aim was to evoke a traditional sky ceiling without using the allegorical classics that encumber these spaces, but by furnishing the space without monotony. Justine succeeded to create a color’s harmony between the ceiling and the rest of the room.

Drawing / Swiss 2017.

Inspired by different Iconography, Rosatelier help you find the patterns matching your intro design. The client wanted to decorate his house with a pattern from a particular ornementation style called "singerie" from de XVIIIth century. The ceiling from the Verrüe Hotel inspired Justine to create the pattern. Traditionally, such decors were composed of arabesques and portraits models, but the client’s requested, a representation of primates taking different attitudes and wearing different faces.

Drawing / Swiss 2017.
Room of "singerie" / Swiss 2017
Imitation of Parisan metro Tiles.

Research for the realization of a facade painted with imitation of Parisian metro tiles. Photograph of the proposed sample taken at the studio.

Marguerite facade / Paris.

In collaboration with atelier Roma.

Size matters café oz / Paris.
Size matters / café oz / Paris.
Hermes / Swiss 2017.

Scenography with "un dixième"

Hermes / Lausanne 2016.

For this challenge, Justine had to think about the year’s theme : « Nature at a gallop»...

Hermes / Swiss 2016.

...Manet and Douanier Rousseau inspired studies presented to the client. In order to give a modern touch, Manet has been simplified to give an atmosphère that looks like him but more pixelated...projet réalisé pour le bureau de création un Dixième. Crédit: Artistic direction and design conception: bureau de création un dixième.

Hermes / Swiss 2016.

Rosatelier realized more than 350 original paintings for Hermes shopping window in Lausanne, Bern, Bâle... Crédit: Artistic direction and design conception: bureau de création un dixième.

Hermes / Swiss 2016.

Crédit: Artistic direction and design conception: bureau de création un dixième.

Hermes / Swiss 2016.

Crédit: Artistic direction and design conception: bureau de création un dixième.

workin progress
Colette shop / Paris / 2017.

For its pop-up Corner at Colette, the shoes brand Airwalk asked Rosatelier to reinterpret its « licorne » création in a more street spirit...

Colette shop / Paris / 2017.

...Justine created new mix of shades to keep the preciousness of the material giving it a destroy concrete aspect. Rosatelier can create any material for any decor by the client. In collaboration with "acte2"

Christophle shop / Paris / 2017.

Rosatelier thus invented an unsual and novel marble surface for the Christofle boutique in Paris. The invention of a particular pattern made it possible th highlight the collection of silverware in a way that a traditional Optical illusion or marble couldn’t have done.

White Marble

Rosatelier thus invented an unsual and novel marble surface for the Christofle boutique in Paris. The invention of a particular pattern made it possible th highlight the collection of silverware in a way that a traditional Optical illusion or marble couldn’t have done.

Dior shop / Paris / 2017.

The designer of Rosatelier studied extensively the imitation of marble. This training is at the origin of her expertise to represent this naturalisatic material but also, to play with colors and veins in order to create créative surfaces.

Dior shop / Paris / 2017.

The designer of Rosatelier studied extensively the imitation of marble. This training is at the origin of her expertise to represent this naturalisatic material but also, to play with colors and veins in order to create creative surfaces. In collaboration with " acte2".

Marble / Barcelona / 2017.

Work in progress...

Quai Ouest / Paris / 2017.
Pleyel / Paris 2017.

Painting in progress. In collaboration with "atelier roma".

Pleyel / Paris 2017.

For the new restaurant « le Noto » in the Pleyel room, Laura Gonzales has asked for the création of a tree’s wall in ocher tones. Rosatelier has developed a technique adapted to the design of the patterns by a singular movement of the brushes creating original foliage. A black border evoking the japanese print style highlights the range of colors.

Pleyel / Paris 2017.

Morever, in the restaurant of the Pleyel room, Rosatelier put in place an Optical illusion with a walnut woodwork of 25m long and 50cm High. The wood’simitation was an interesting élément in décoration used during the restoration.

Pleyel / Paris 2017.

Morever, in the restaurant of the Pleyel room, Rosatelier put in place an Optical illusion with a walnut woodwork of 25m long and 50cm High. The wood’simitation was an interesting élément in décoration used during the restoration.

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